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Old Clayesmorian Society

Old Clayesmorian Society

The Old Clayesmorian Society was founded in 1921 for the benefit of former Clayesmore pupils known as OCs.

The Old Clayesmorian Society has almost 5000 members worldwide and we encourage Old Clayesmorians to maintain a lifelong connection to the school and each other.   The OC Society Committee work closely with the Development Office to support OCs with careers advice, networking opportunities, work experience, organising reunions and events and we encourage everyone to support the life and future of the school. 

We are always looking for OCs to participate in sport fixtures whether it is football, hockey, golf or netball. If you would like to get involved, form a team or organise a match, please email

Old Clayesmorian Society Website

There is a dedicated website for Old Clayesmorians which can be accessed here.


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Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset. DT11 8LL.

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