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Clayesmore warmly welcomes applications from International students from all over the world to our Prep, Senior and Sixth Form schools. 

Our beautiful location in the English countryside makes studying at Clayesmore a memorable experience. Surrounded by iconic historical and natural landmarks, rugged coastline and ancient market towns, Clayesmore is a very special and safe place to live and study. Our stunning manor house, lake and 62 acre site offers a spectacular backdrop to experiencing life at a British boarding school.

We enjoy having a range of nationalities and cultures at the school and pupils, both British and International, gain a huge amount from living alongside, and learning from, each other. 

To ensure our International pupils have the best possible experience at an English boarding school, we keep the balance of International pupils at around 15% of our total student body. This means our non-British students have the chance to really assimilate into British culture and immerse themselves in the language.

Recent nationalities have included German, Spanish, French, Italian, Austrian, Russian, Nigerian, Kenyan, Turkish, Chinese, and Hong Kong Chinese. Students join Clayesmore for a minimum of two terms or for their whole education. (We do consider shorter stays on a case by case basis).

Learning English to a high level is one of the core reasons students join British boarding schools and Clayesmore has an exceptional English as an Additional Language (EAL) department to support English language skills and prepare students for the Cambridge exams. In fact, Clayesmore is a test centre for Cambridge exams and is recognised as a centre of excellence.

We welcome enquiries from International agents, and families directly, regarding boarding at Clayesmore and encourage you to contact our Admissions office on and they will be delighted to help you.


Our EAL (English as an Additional Language) Department
at Clayesmore is run by highly specialised and experienced
staff and offers students a fantastic opportunity to improve
their English skills in a well-resourced and dedicated teaching

Once an initial assessment has taken place, specialist EAL
lessons are arranged according to an individual’s needs and are
conducted in small groups or on a one-to-one basis.

A student’s progress is then carefully monitored and EAL staff
members liaise closely with other subject teachers on a regular
basis to ensure they get all the support they need. We also
provide further support and are particularly sympathetic to
young people who have undertaken an educational, cultural and
social adventure in a land that is foreign to them.

We offer a unique educational and cultural programme for
international students. The EAL Department is here to help all
students whose first language is not English. Individual students
are encouraged to develop their skills at their own pace to
ensure that they feel comfortable and can benefit from all that is
on offer at Clayesmore.

Our ethos is:

• to enable overseas students to feel welcomed and
supported and to help them settle happily into their new
• to raise a student’s competence in the English language in
order to minimise any disadvantage of being a non-native
speaker within an academic environment
• to encourage international students to integrate and to play
a full part in the academic, co-curricular and social life of the
school to build confidence, broaden their horizons and allow
them to get to know students from different cultural and
national backgrounds
• to provide students with the opportunity to work towards
internationally-recognised qualifications in the Cambridge
English Suite of examinations
• to provide support to individual students in core subjects,
on an ad hoc basis, when required
• to equip students with functional language and a range of
vocabulary to access the full curriculum
• to encourage students to develop their study skills and
techniques to enable them to maximize their performance
in English
• to equip pupils with the relevant language entry
requirements and qualifications stipulated by institutions of
higher education, including Cambridge English C1-C2, IELTS
and SAT



All International students are required to have a Guardian in the UK at the time of joining the school. This is essential for a student's welfare and safety.

Here are links to reputable Guardian agencies:

AEGIS - Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students

BSA Certified Guardian Scheme

Clayesmore Governors and Staff

Our Governors and Staff

Clayesmore’s affairs are governed by the Council of Clayesmore, chaired, at the present time by Mrs Rosie Stiven.

The governors represent, between them, a considerable range of skills, interests, professions and backgrounds and include at the present time a number who are former pupils and parents. They all share a very deep commitment to the wellbeing of Clayesmore, its pupils, its staff, and its future. The full Council meets every term as do all its sub-committees.

Council of Governors

Mrs Rosie Stiven MA (and Chair of Health & Safety and Finance, Strategy & Estates Committees)

Mrs Julia Brown MSc (and Chair of Compliance & Risk Committee)

Mrs Sally Wilson BA, MA Ed, PGCE

Mr John Andrews LLB 
Mr William Bedford BA, PGCE
Mrs Fran Deeming BA, PGCE 
Mr Tony Edwards BSc(Hons), MSc, CDir, FIoD
Mr David Haywood MA, PGCE
Mr Tim Ingram MA, MBA, FCIB 
Mr Dayle Kirby BA, PGCE
Mr Richard Shaw BA, Dip Urb Des, MRTPI 
Mr M Sussman BSc, MBA, CEng, MIET 
Mrs Fiona Waller BEd

Mr Roger Kingwill BSc, MS

If for any reason you would like to contact the Chair, Mrs Rosie Stiven directly, you can do so by writing to her at the school's registered office which is: Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford Forum, DT11 8LL.


Mrs J Thomson, BA (QTS), MBA, FRSA

If for any reason you would like to contact the Head, you can do so by writing to Mrs J Thomson, Clayesmore School. Iwerne Minster, Blandford Forum, DT11 8LL or you can email or you can call 01747 813111


Senior Leadership Team
Senior Deputy  Mr JR Carpenter BA
Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mrs SJ Newland BSc, PGCE
Deputy Head (Academic) Mrs N Jones BSc, PGCE
Director of Studies (Yr 3-8) Mrs SL Hart BA, PGCE, MEd
Assistant Head (Yr 3-6) Mrs C Townsend MA, PGCE
Assistant Head (Yr 7-8) Mr D Browse BA, MEd, QTS
Assistant Head (Middle Years and Teaching & Learning) Mrs H Perrett BA, PGCE
Assistant Head (Sixth Form) Dr TJ Carter MPhys, PhD, PGCE
Assistant Head (Co-curricular & LEX) Mr G King BSc, MSc, PGCE
Director of Academic Progress (Yr 9-13) Mr JA Reach BEng
Chaplain Mr AR West  BA, MA PGCE
Senior Master Mr D Rimmer MA
Director of Finance and Operations  Mrs N Bailey Phinn BA, FCA


Mr James Carpenter            Mrs Nina Bailey Phinn

Senior Deputy                       Director of Finance & Operations

Related Downloads

International Prospectus
International Registration Form

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Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset. DT11 8LL.

Clayesmore School (HMC, IAPS, ISBA) is a registered company in England and Wales registered at Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 8LL.

(Registered Company No: 359779 – Charity Registration No: 306214 – VAT No: 186834226). Site & content © 2021 Clayesmore School. All rights reserved.

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