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Policies & Inspections

Policies & Inspections

Please find information about our Governors and links to all the School Policies below.

Clayesmore Governors and Staff

Our Governors and Staff

Clayesmore’s affairs are governed by the Council of Clayesmore, chaired, at the present time by Mrs Rosie Stiven.

The governors represent, between them, a considerable range of skills, interests, professions and backgrounds and include at the present time a number who are former pupils and parents. They all share a very deep commitment to the wellbeing of Clayesmore, its pupils, its staff, and its future. The full Council meets every term as do all its sub-committees.

Council of Governors

Mrs Rosie Stiven MA (and Chair of Health & Safety and Finance, Strategy & Estates Committees)

Mrs Julia Brown MSc (and Chair of Compliance & Risk Committee)

Mrs Sally Wilson BA, MA Ed, PGCE

Mr John Andrews LLB 
Mr William Bedford BA, PGCE
Mrs Fran Deeming BA, PGCE 
Mr Tony Edwards BSc(Hons), MSc, CDir, FIoD
Mr David Haywood MA, PGCE
Mr Tim Ingram MA, MBA, FCIB 
Mr Dayle Kirby BA, PGCE
Mr Richard Shaw BA, Dip Urb Des, MRTPI 
Mr M Sussman BSc, MBA, CEng, MIET 
Mrs Fiona Waller BEd

Mr Roger Kingwill BSc, MS

If for any reason you would like to contact the Chair, Mrs Rosie Stiven directly, you can do so by writing to her at the school's registered office which is: Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford Forum, DT11 8LL.


Mrs J Thomson, BA (QTS), MBA, FRSA

If for any reason you would like to contact the Head, you can do so by writing to Mrs J Thomson, Clayesmore School. Iwerne Minster, Blandford Forum, DT11 8LL or you can email or you can call 01747 813111


Senior Leadership Team
Senior Deputy  Mr JR Carpenter BA
Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mrs SJ Newland BSc, PGCE
Deputy Head (Academic) Mrs N Jones BSc, PGCE
Director of Studies (Yr 3-8) Mrs SL Hart BA, PGCE, MEd
Assistant Head (Yr 3-6) Mrs C Townsend MA, PGCE
Assistant Head (Yr 7-8) Mr D Browse BA, MEd, QTS
Assistant Head (Middle Years and Teaching & Learning) Mrs H Perrett BA, PGCE
Assistant Head (Sixth Form) Dr TJ Carter MPhys, PhD, PGCE
Assistant Head (Co-curricular & LEX) Mr G King BSc, MSc, PGCE
Director of Academic Progress (Yr 9-13) Mr JA Reach BEng
Chaplain Mr AR West  BA, MA PGCE
Senior Master Mr D Rimmer MA
Director of Finance and Operations  Mrs N Bailey Phinn BA, FCA


Mr James Carpenter            Mrs Nina Bailey Phinn

Senior Deputy                       Director of Finance & Operations

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Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset. DT11 8LL.

Clayesmore School (HMC, IAPS, ISBA) is a registered company in England and Wales registered at Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 8LL.

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