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Careers and Development

Careers and Development

At Clayesmore we prepare our students for life in the real world with the academic results, personal skills and professional tools not just to succeed but to thrive.

We recognise the twenty-first century workplace is a complex and rapidly changing environment that requires young people leaving school to be adaptable, flexible and to possess a broad range of skills and knowledge. 

Clayesmore’s Sixth Form offers small classes in a wide range of subjects where pupils can pursue their chosen subjects and be given the environment and support to excel in them while they also develop essential life skills to thrive beyond school. 

The Sixth Form offers a time to try new things, from running a business, chairing debates in Model United Nations, becoming a leader in House, in the Theatre or on one of the many school committees. 

Additionally, there are lots of opportunities for Sport, Music, and Drama and a thriving community service programme. Pupils are offered the opportunity to do work experience, network with former pupils, enjoy an internship and generally gain the skills and confidence required for adult life. During this time, sport can also be taken to the highest level, including gaining coaching qualifications or training to be an umpire or referee.

There are many opportunities to lead others, and to make a positive and active contribution as prefects, mentors and leaders within the Houses and the school.

The Head of Sixth Form, Head of Careers and academic tutors will guide and support pupils through the two years of Sixth Form, and mentor individuals through the university application process or professional apprenticeship applications.

Careers Support

The Sixth Form is an exciting chapter in everyone’s journey, but at the end comes the real world! Will you be ready to face the challenges it holds?

The aim of the Careers Department - led by our Head of Careers, Gideon King - is to ensure that you are able to make informed decisions about what to do after school. Almost all of our leavers go to university, either directly or after a gap year, but an increasing number of students join a higher or degree-level apprenticeship. We work with parents and students to ensure students are ready for this important next step and that they make a successful transition into the world beyond Clayesmore.

Careers education at Clayesmore is excellent. Experienced and well-trained staff, and a host of external agencies, workshop facilitators and visiting speakers help everyone navigate their choices. Through 1:1 and small-group, weekly careers lessons, students are encouraged to better understand the opportunities available to them and reflect on their own aspirations and attributes. We visit universities, provide access to a vast array of online (and still some paper-based!) resources and, as a member of the ISCO (Independent Schools Careers Office) we provide our students with a service that is individually tailored to their skills, ability and ambition.

We are experienced in supporting students in pursuing diverse post-18 pathways, whether that be UCAS applications to Oxbridge, to universities of the Russell Group, to competitive courses in medicine and veterinary science or to other universities, both in the UK and abroad. In all these areas we provide up-to-date and expert support. 

Rob Dorey, Head of Careers

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Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset. DT11 8LL.

Clayesmore School (HMC, IAPS, ISBA) is a registered company in England and Wales registered at Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 8LL.

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